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Odle Media Group, LLC


804 North St. Joe Drive

PO Box 36

Park Hills, MO 63601


Business Office - 573.431.6350
B104 Studio - 573.450.1043

Toll Free - 800.959.5366
Fax - 573.431.0850

Chelley Odle - Owner/Managing Partner

Chuck Odle - Owner/Managing Partner 

Dustin Kopp - Operations Manager/KFMO Program Director/News Director

Audra Caine - B104.3 FM Program Director/Production Manager/On Air

Allicia Hovis - Office Manager

Beth Stephens - Office Assistant

Mike Ramsey - News

Jared Pettus - Sports Director

Connor Harbit - News and Sports

Jase Odle - Marketing Advisor

Skylar Hultberg - Marketing Advisor

Joey Palermo - Special Events Coordinator